Fictions of Every Kind: Whodunnit! 22nd Sept, 2014
Monday 22nd September, Wharf Chambers, Leeds, £3 In a stately home, miles from anywhere, the lights go out. A sudden drop to darkness -...

Fictions of Every Kind: Home (March 2014)
Tuesday March 25th, Wharf Chambers, Leeds £3 entry. Welcome to the March Fictions event, where we invite you to reflect on the theme of...

Fictions of Every Kind: The Uncanny (Dec 2013)
Tuesday 3rd December, Wharf Chambers, £3. Starts 19:30 Welcome to the Fictions of Every Kind almost Christmas event. This month, we’ll be...

Fictions: Last Exit To Grimsby (Sept 2013)
Pull on your Doc Martens and light up your ‘Hemp’ incense: Fictions is celebrating the trials and triumphs of adolescence. Whether you...

Fictions of Every Kind: Revelation (September 2012)
We hate to self-aggrandise. We do, really. But just this once, I think Fictions of Every Kind can afford to give itself a gentle pat on...

Fictions of Every Kind: Riot (June 2012)
Tuesday June 5th, 19.30 - 23.00, Wharf Chambers (23-25 Wharf Street), Leeds. £3 entry Welcome to another engaging evening of thoughts and...

Fictions of Every Kind: Hope (March 2012)
Monday March 19th Victoria Family & Commercial Hotel - Free entry Fictions of Every Kind is a writer-run writers’ social night aimed at...

Fictions of Every Kind: The Haunting (December 2011)
Fictions of Every Kind: The Haunting Monday December 5th, Wharf Chambers’ Members Club*, Leeds, Entry £3 Fictions’ first birthday party!...

Fictions: Secret Lives, Hidden Identities (October 2011)
Tuesday 18th October, The Library Pub, Leeds 19.30 - 22.30, £3 entry Secret parts of the self are sometimes concealed for convenience or...

Fictions of Every Kind: Outside (August 2011)
It might appear to have gone all quiet on the Fictions… front, but do not be afraid - for we have plenty of plans! We have several events...